Ifrit (Hyper) "How To" Video from Godly Hood LS

Ifrit (Hyper) Video

Ifrit (Hyper) Video from Order of the Blue Garter LS

Link to Strategy: http://www.ffxivpro.com/forum/topic/25965/bowl-of-embers-hyper

Ifrit (Hyper) Video

Ifrit Speed Run Video posted by the Godly Hood LS from Besaid server

Ifrit Speed Run Video

Know You're Enemy: Ifrit Crimson Cyclone (Jump & Dash)
Phase 2: Ifrit will jump off the screen and land on 1 of 8 possible points in the ring. Ifrit will then dash through the center of the ring to the adjacent point. Ifrit will jump back on the tank (or person with highest Emnity).
Phase 3: Ifrit will jump off the screen and land on 1 of 8 possible points in the ring. Ifrit will then dash through the center of the ring to the adjacent point, this time 3 times in succession. Ifrit will jump back on the tank (or person with highest Emnity). This phase is shown in the below video
Phase 5: Ifrit will jump off the screen and splits into 3, each landing on 1 of 8 possible points in the ring. the 3 Ifrits will then dash through the center of the ring to the adjacent point 3 times in succession. Ifrit will jump back on the tank (or person with highest Emnity).

Dashes are easy to avoid by standing in the safezones, at the edge of the ring. This is a good time to re-buff, refresh Stoneskin and catch up on heals.

The image below (borrowed from the Blue Garter work up) illustrates the 8 dash points, and safe zones between them.

Know You're Enemy: Ifrit Crimson Cyclone

Know You're Enemy: Ifrit Eruptions
Phase 2: Eruptions will form under the feet of the person with the second highest Emnity - Move quick!
Phase 3: Eruptions will follow the person with second highest emnity, exploding 3 times. Move the Eruption away from the party, not through it!
Phase 5: 2 sets of Eruptions will follow the persons with second and third highest emnity, exploding 3 times. Move the Eruption away from the party, not through it!

Know You're Enemy: Ifrit Eruptions

Know You're Enemy: Ifrit Plumes
Phase 3: 3~ Plumes will form randomly on the battle field - Move quickly to the nearest safe ground, preferably towards Ifrit. Don't stand close to the edges as Plumes can still hit you (as seen in the below video).
Phase 5: Plumes will form randomly on the battle field, this time cover an upward of 85% of the field. Best way to avoid this is to stay on Ifrit's tail and move under him if necessary.

Know You're Enemy: Ifrit Plumes